Elevate Transitioning Servicemembers, Inc.

Mission Statement

Our non-profit organization is dedicated to supporting military veterans who are transitioning from service, providing them with the necessary resources and assistance to successfully integrate back into civilian life. We aim to help veterans navigate this significant life change by offering various programs and services tailored to their individual needs. Our goal is to ensure that every veteran receives the support they deserve as they embark on this new chapter post-service.


  1. Assist in Transition: We strive to facilitate a smooth transition for veterans into civilian life by offering guidance, mentorship, and resources to help them adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

  2. Promote Well-being: Our organization prioritizes the mental health and well-being of veterans, providing access to counseling, support groups, and wellness activities to ensure they maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  3. Career Development: We are committed to helping veterans explore career options, acquire new skills, and connect with employment opportunities through workshops, training sessions, and networking events.

  4. Community Integration: We aim to foster a sense of community among veterans by organizing social events, peer support groups, and outreach programs that encourage camaraderie and mutual support.

  5. Advocacy and Awareness: Our organization advocates for veterans' rights and raises awareness about the challenges they face during the transition period, advocating for policies that support and benefit this deserving group.

Together, we are dedicated to empowering veterans as they embark on this new journey, ensuring that they receive the assistance and guidance needed to thrive in their post-service lives.—

Kelley Saunders
Company Executive Officer, Marine Corps Veteran.