Elevate Transitioning Servicemembers, Inc.

Supporting our Veterans is our Mission.

Supporting transitioning veterans is a crucial initiative that requires a multifaceted approach. By providing resources such as career guidance, skills training, and mental health support, we can help veterans successfully navigate the challenges they may face as they transition to civilian life.

Elevating transitioning veterans involves recognizing and valuing the unique skills and experiences they bring to the table, while also addressing any barriers they may encounter in pursuing their post-military goals. Through collaboration with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and employers, we can collectively work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive environment for transitioning veterans to thrive. and innovation.

How the process works for becoming a Legacy Veteran member:

Step One

Become a ETS member either before or after you have concluded your military contract to take advantage of valuable resources. Gain insights into job search tools, tap into VA benefits, and participate in networking events to enhance your post-military career transition.

Step Two

By leveraging our customized continuing education programs, individuals can explore job roles that suit their military skill set while aiming to provide meaningful contributions to their communities.

Our focus spans across diverse topics, including cutting-edge technology and innovative teaching strategies, enabling educators to enhance their capabilities and create dynamic learning environments for their students. Through our tailored programs, we aim to support individuals in their career advancement by providing the necessary tools and resources for success in their chosen fields.

Final Step:

We understand the complexities of navigating available resources and transitioning into civilian life. Here are a few tips to help you through this process:

  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider reaching out to organizations or individuals specializing in veteran benefits. They can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific circumstances and needs. This expert guidance can help you make informed decisions.

  2. Plan Your Transition: Transitioning out of the military can be challenging. Create a plan that outlines your goals, timeline, and the steps you need to take to achieve them. Whether it's pursuing further education, seeking employment, or starting a business, having a clear plan can make the process smoother.

    Remember, transitioning out of the military is a significant life change, but with the right advice and support, you can navigate this process successfully. We are here to help you optimize your veteran benefits and transition with ease.